What Makes Ballistic Blankets a Popular Choice?

Versatile & Mobile
The protective blanket can be used for protecting walls, covering a running person, covering a suspicious package and much more. It easily bends to conform to the need – and is highly durable.

The fabric used is typically less than one pound per square foot. In comparison, rigid wall panels are 4-5x the weight. This means humans can easily carry and structures can easily support a ballistic blanket

Convenient & Discreet
Unlike wall panels or glass, the blanket doesn’t need to be pre-installed. It can easily be stored in advance of an emergency, such as in the trunk of a car. This allows you to keep it discreetly where you need it most.
Ballistic Blankets
NIJ III-A Protection
Designed to stop even the most powerful handguns
Folds Into Briefcase
Discreetly carry or store your ballistic blanket
Ultra-Light, Easy-Grab
Multiple handles & lightweight are key for emergencies
Free shipping
We offer free shipping anywhere in the continental USA
Why Invest In A Ballistic Blanket?
Para-Aramids (Kevlar)
Completely made in the USA, our blankets use highly tested materials you can trust. Our soft protection (for handgun levels) is composed from of layers of high-strength para-aramids, the scientific name for the material in what’s commonly known as “Kevlar”, a material invented by the Dupont Corporation which has provided trustworthy protection for decades.
Custom Size & Function
Our bullet resistant blankets can be sized to the precise dimensions you need within 1/4″. Straps, grommets and other attachments make them prefectly mobile. Your threat is not the same as everyone else’s.
Durable for Decades
From deserts to tundras, your custom ballistic blanket will perform for decades. Some blankets may not be used until threat comes along years later. Degradation is not acceptable. Our multi-layered fabric will last.
beware of poorly crafted ballistic blankets
At-Risk Exterior
The exterior shell is what protects the ballistic material from exposure to the elements, which could lead to degradation of the ballistic interior. This is especially true in an exterior environment, but also with typical rough handling a blanket will go through. If improper material is selected for the cover gashes, rips or micro-tears may accumulate in the blanket cover allowing water or UV exposure to reach the Kevlar material.
Impractical Functionality
A bullet resistant blanket is like a life vest – if straps, handles and other features are placed in the wrong spots it may be the difference between life and death in an emergency.While something may photograph nicely that doesn’t mean it works. Our experience is based off real use of our blankets in battle, defense and crisis.
Untested Materials
It’s scary investing in a blanket and then not really knowing what’s inside and for years wondering if it will relaly protect you in an emergency. That’s what a lot of companies do, though. With our blankets they use official certified material. Because we work with military clients, they often need to be tested to military specs. further, for many residential and commercial projects we test them in our own range to ensure bullet stoppage.
Where are Bullet Resistant Blankets Used?
Schools may choose to store a Kevlar blanket in each classroom and deploy it over their door during a lock down. If it comes to it, teachers may grab excess ones to run through halls and reach kids who may be stuck in a dangerous area.
Embassies around the world use bullet-resistant blankets to provide ad-hoc protection to whatever area is threatened, such as during violent protests. This may include exposed windows or doors. It also can be used against car windows while evacuating.
Offices are increasingly threatened by activists, as well as the risk of disgruntled [former] employees. Flexible blankets are used in command locations to protect employees and especially threatened executives. Especially found in boardrooms.
And many more places, including:
Synagogues & Mosques
Vehicles (in emergencies)
Corporate Offices
Military Locations
Police Departments
City Councils
Residential Homes
How Do Armored Blankets Work?
The most common material inside our blankets, Kevlar, was discovered by Stephanie Kwolek in 1964 while working for DuPont. It was an accidental discovery. They were attempting to find material to use as lighter weight yet durable tires, in advance of an expected gasoline shortage.
While in liquid form the solution looks like a cloudy mess. However when tested in a spinneret the fibers did not break, unlike nylon. Once the material was spooled out it began forming extremely strong hydrogen bonds between fibers.
For blankets protecting from handguns, this is the ballistic material that is used inside. Multiple layers of Kevlar are fused together. When a bullet strikes the material it ripples to absorb the shock, similar to the surface of a pool on impact. For blankets requiring protection from rifle rounds, soft armor is not enough. Rigid material must be added as well, such as ceramic plates.
Once the ballistic material is manufactured and assembled, the outer cover pocket is developed from durable, military-grade Cordura fabric. It is then sealed to ensure water does not penetrate.
Explosives Protection
This type of protection is typically required in an industrial setting where combustion may be possible, such as with paint manufacture or oil piping. Or it may be deployed if a suspicious package is identified.
Handgun Protection
This protects from handguns spanning NIJ levels II-A to III-A, and UL Levels 1-3. 90% of blankets fall into these categories, the most common being III-A. Those protect from .44 magnums, multiple rounds.
Rifle Protection
Rifles can be stopped with a ballistic blanket but this does necessitate adding rigid armor inside. This adds significantly to cost (2-3x) and to weight (2-4x). It also means the flexibility of the blanket is very limited. Therefore, this is rare other than for police use.
Large & OVERSIZED Ballistic Blankets
Our bulletproof fabric and blanket covers can be custom cut to all sorts of sizes, within 1/4″ of accuracy. The length of the blanket can be very long. We’ve handled secure blankets that were greater than 20 feet long, and often manufacture ones that are greater than 10 feet.
Typically though, very long ballistic blanket are actually not preferred, and smaller ones are chosen. There are two benefits to this. Firstly, it is easier to handle a smaller item. A 10′ blanket is much harder to move than a 5′ ballistic blanket, and it also can’t be carried to protect a human. Secondly, utilizing several smaller bullet resistant blankets allows for more cost effective replacement if a tear occurs in the outer covering.
While the length can be nearly unlimited the height is constrained for normal projects. The most cost effective source for rolls of Kevlar come in a height of no more than 63″. That said, there are other sources for extra tall Kevlar, but they do cost a fair amount more.